Do you often find yourself immobilized in the face of your emotional problems?
Do you feel that the only way to deal with a problem is to avoid it , run away from it or procrastinate about it?
Do you want to learn the art of managing your emotions to be able to lead a more fulfilling life?
To unfold these aspects life we are coming up with a new interactive workshop
...Basics Of REBT - A Path Towards Rational Living
REBT is a form of therapy, rather a way of life that acknowledges the great value of cognition (thinking), reasoning and self persuasion in changing one's dysfunctional feelings and behavior.
Thursday to Saturday 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm & Sunday 10 am to 1 pm
Dr. Swaroop Bhatankar (Psychiatrist)
Ms. Sonali Medhekar (Psychologist)