For course enquiries contact
Ms. Roopa More - Cell : 9870600283

AAKALAN Head- Dr Geeta Joshi
Aakalan : Concept
Aakalan is learning Centre of IPH with a slogan of ' Revealing Insights' & tries to reach out to not only mental health professionals but also to individuals & groups that are working 'with people'. Aakalan offers short term courses on mental health themes & also opportunities for observership budding mental health professionals. ....
- IPH has always been a place for learning for many mental health professionals
- Continuous stream of observers & students, not only from this country but also from abroad.
- Recognized as agency for post-graduate training & field-work by Universities
- Aakalan evolved as a nodal center to provide educational and training inputs.
Its objectives include
- Reaching out to more people with insights
- Establishing integrated therapy practices
- Expanding IPH's role formally as "Knowledge Imparters"
Regular Courses
- Certificate course in Communication and Counselling Skills for Helping Professional
- Career Guidance Programme for graduates in Mental Health – Frontiers in Mental Health
- Teachers Sensitization Programme
- SWINDIA –Indo Swedish Project –Training Programme for Social work Graduates from Sweden on Mental Health Care Delivery in India
- CME –for Psychiatry residents on life after residency
- CME for Psychology Postgraduates on Psychometric Testing
- Counselling Skill Enhancement for Crèche Caregivers
- Onsite Teacher and Student Mentoring Programme
Aakalan – IPH’s Learning Center for Knowledge and Excellence
The mission statement of IPH is “Mental Health for All". In pursuit of its goal, IPH would like to consider itself as a laboratory of community mental health, a place where competent service, community participation and creative education go hand in hand. IPH has been conducting innovative programs and projects in the field of mental health over the last 20 years. Students and professionals alike have visited IPH and have been introduced to and greatly benefitted by these programs This learning has been experiential and informal, and in the process, many structured learning models have emerged. Through Aakalan, its learning initiative, IPH makes an effort to integrate these proven models and consolidate the learning process into a system and reach out and benefit maximum people. The literal meaning of Aakalan is understanding, appreciating or internalizing.
The Aakalan project is a proactive effort and aims to structuralize what IPH can teach. The main thrust of Aakalan is on teaching, learning and skill training for everyone in the vocation of mental health. IPH is sensitive to the changing social trends and needs and the teaching modules are prepared taking account of these perspectives. The teaching pattern will predominantly stress on skill set acquisition and skill set enhancement and will focus on a balanced approach of theoretical inputs and practical training. In imparting this knowledge, Aakalan strives to reach out to as many service providers as possible – academic and non-academic, professional and non-professional through various need-based training programs. The target of these programs would be ‘demystifying mental illness’ and through these different endeavors, Aakalan aims at reaching as close as possible, IPH’s vision “Mental Health for All”
Aakalan was launched in October 2007 during the World mental health week and since then has evolved as a nodal centre to provide educational and training inputs. Its aim and focus is in providing post graduate training in skill management and skill enhancement in mental health care delivery. Since then, IPH’s learning center has imparted training to mental health professionals like psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers; non mental health professionals like GPs, other medical specialists and nurses and students pursuing mental health professions. Other stake holders like teachers and trainee teachers, community volunteers, caregivers and members of self help groups also have been through training programs to get sensitized to various issues in mental health. IPH has also played host to a number of foreign students and mental health professionals who have not only shared and contributed to the learning but also taken home insights from their experiences and interactions.
Aakalan Training Programs:
Aakalan training program schedules vary from one-day workshops (6hours) and weekend trainings to courses offering up to 50, 80 or even 100 hours of hands-on practical training. The faculty list includes resource persons from the in-house IPH team, and whenever necessary, guest faculty is invited to share their domain knowledge and expertise in their subjects. All the training programs are charged. The fee structure for each type of training is worked out as per the logistics and varies for different training programs. The venue for the training is the IPH premises. Nevertheless, whenever there is a request from the trainee group, or the number of participants is too large to be accommodated in the IPH premises, onsite training facilities are provided by the IPH team
The type of training offered by Aakalan:
- IPH Staff Development programs through workshops or Lecture series
- Career guidance in Mental health- Workshops for Final year Graduate students to help them decide on their future goals and career options
- SWINDIA – A Swedish-India collaborative initiative brings graduate students from Sweden to IPH twice a year, where they are introduced to mental health care delivery through various teaching modalities.
- Training workshops for PG students through CMEs and Refresher Courses for Psychiatrists / Psychologists on clinical topics and psychometric testing
- Training GPs and other medical specialists through Mental Health Awareness programs
- Community Outreach initiatives through
1. Marriage Counseling Workshops for Premarital and Marital Counseling and also Parents / In-laws / Well- wishers of Prospective Grooms / Brides
2. Parent & Teacher Sensitization for Academic, Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Children
3. Parent Sensitization Workshops on Communicating with and Understanding Adolescents and
4. Counseling Workshop on Parenting and Counseling Skills for Crèche Care-givers - Counselling Skill Training courses are also offered. These are
1. REBT course: 48 – 50 hours of training for 8 days ( 4 weekends spread over 3 months)
2. Advanced REBT course for Disorder and Distress specific issues like Addictions, Anxiety, Depression and Grief, Anger including inputs for REBT in Parenting and Marriage Counseling and
3. Certificate course for Basic Communication and Counseling Skills in Helping Professions - Onsite training workshops for
1. students on relationship building
2. teacher –student mentoring
3. primary and secondary teacher sensitization for learning difficulties in children
4. communication skills for nursing students
5. counseling skills for community health workers for TISS outreach initiative
6. training dental surgeons on doctor-patient communication for IDA
7. Teacher Sensitization Workshops for the CSR initiative of Cipla Pharma for Municipal and ZP teachers - As part of the learning, training initiative and sensitization of mental health students, Aakalan encourages educational visits to IPH, to understand its philosophy and working culture . A one-day student educational visit from students belonging to various institutes have become a regular and yearly affair. Nursing students from various nursing schools in Mumbai and Pune, PG students in Psychology and Social Work from Mumbai and Pune, and UG Psychology students are regular visitors.
- Aakalan also offers internship / observership programs to enhance learning These internships are charged. Internships offered for qualified psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, remedial educators, speech and occupational therapists. A 3-month learning period is encouraged to begin with, but students can opt to continue. Interns get to observe the functioning of IPH, and can interact and learn from the clinical team. They can avail of the library facilities.
Note: Interns do not interact with any client. Internship is offered only to students from UGC recognized Universities. There is no promise of a job placement after internship. IPH does not offer student placement during field work during curriculum studies.
Some Plans for the coming year
Regular workshops in REBT, advanced REBT course, Course in Basic Communication and Counseling Skills, Psychometry workshops for Psychologists, Child and Adolescent Counseling workshops, Programs for Budding Psychiatrists with 3-5 years of private practice. The educational visits and internship programs will continue. SWINDIA initiative is a regular feature on the IPH calendar.
IQ Assessment in Children
Aakalan, The learning center for IPH, Thane announces a 5 day Skill Training Workshop in “IQ Assessment in Children” Test to be discussed : History taking in a child population, IQ classification and FAQs by parents regarding academic achievement. VSMS- Vineland Social Maturity Scale; SFB– Seguin Form Board; KBT – Kamath Binet Test of Intelligence for Indian Children; Raven’s Progressive Matrices (CPM, RPM); Bhatia’s Performance Test of Intelligence; BG; MISIC – Malin’s Intelligence Scale for Indian Children; Weschler’s Intelligence Scale for Children-WISC IV All the above mentioned tests will be demonstrated. - Test Administration, Scoring, Profile generation, Profile interpretation and Report writing.
Date:24th, 25th, 26th, 27th & 28th September 2018 (Monday to Friday)
Time: 10.00 am to 05.00 pm
Fees: Rs. 18,000/- for 5 days inclusive of Breakfast, Lunch & 2 tea/coffee)
Faculty Dr. Geeta Joshi & IPH Team
Contact: Roopa : 9870600283 (Accommodation available on first come first served basis.)
Venue: IPH, Thane
Last Date For Registration: 20th September 2018 (Early bird discounts are available.)
Understanding and Working with Trauma
Aakalan, the learning center for the Institute for Psychological Health (IPH), Thane is conducting a Two day workshop on "Understanding and Working with Trauma". This two day workshop will focus on 1.Understanding trauma - the neuro biological, social and psychological perspectives on trauma 2.Different kinds of trauma, Psychosocial interventions for survivors. 3.Psychological interventions for survivors with a specific focus on using Trauma Focussed CBT with survivors. Please note that this is an advanced skill training workshop. Participants are expected to have an understanding of basic counselling skills and should be experienced in the use of the same. Who can attend Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Doctors, Teachers and Nurses and professionals dealing with Children and Adolescents
Date: 8th & 9th September 2018 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time: 10 am to 5 pm
Fees: Rs.6,000/- per person (inclusive of Breakfast, Lunch & 2 tea/coffee)
Contact: Roopa More :9870600283- 11 am to 6.00 pm.(Monday to Saturday) Accommodation available on first come first served basis.
Faculty: Ms. Jagruti Wandrekar, Ms. Advaita Nirgudkar – Clinical Psychologists
Venue: Institute for Psychological Health, Thane (W)
Last Date For Registration: 4th September 2018 (Early bird discounts are available.)
Niramay Vardhakya is one of the interesting workshops in IPH. People above 50 yrs and the people, those are having elderly people at home can attend this workshop.
Date: 8th September 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm to 7pm
Fees: Rs.600,/-
Faculty: Dr. Shubha Thatte / Siddhika Panjawani
Contact: Sandhya Bhaskar - 9870115693
Venue: IPH, Thane
For Registration: Roopa : 9870600283- 11 am to 6.00 pm. (Monday to Saturday) Last date for registration:5th March 2017
Workshop on Child Sexual Abuse for Professionals working with Children
Aakalan, The learning center for the Institute for Psychological Health (IPH), Thane is conducting a two day workshop on Child Sexual Abuse. The legal age of children addressed in the issue is in the age group of 0 to 18 yrs of age. This workshop is specifically meant to create awareness among all professionals dealing with Children about how to address the problem and how to communicate with the child if and when confronted with the problem. Who can attend: Mental Health professionals, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Doctors, Teachers and Nurses and all those dealing with Children
Date: 10th and 11th March 2018 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time: 10 am to 5 pm
Fees: Rs.4,000/- per person.
Faculty: Ms. Advaita Nigudkar and Ms. Jagruti Wandrekar The resource persons have hands on experience and work in an organization dealing with issues concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence.
Venue: IPH, Thane
For Registration: Roopa : 9870600283- 11 am to 6.00 pm. (Monday to Saturday) Last date for registration:5th March 2017
“Child Psychometry” - Detailed skill training on IQ Assessment using Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC IV)
Aakalan, the learning center for IPH, Thane announces a 5 day workshop on Detailed skill training on WISC IV
Aakalan, the learning center for IPH, Thane announces a 5 day workshop on Detailed skill training on WISC IV
Workshop details: History of WISC, Administration, Scoring, Interpretation & Application, Report writing and Report explanation, Case discussion with clinical implications – Diagnostic and Therapeutic pointers
Mode of training: Hands on skill practice using the test
Date: 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th April 2018 (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri)
Time: 10.00 am to 05.00 pm
Eligibility: Post graduation in Counseling/Clinical Psychology, School Counselors
Fees: Rs. 12,500/- for 5 days inclusive of Breakfast, Lunch & 2 tea/coffee .
Faculty: IPH Team
For Registration: Roopa: 9870600283
Last date for registration: 10th April 2018. Participants will be issued certificates
Participation in the workshop has to be confirmed on phone and email [email protected]
Venue: IPH, Thane 400602
Application of TAT, CAT, SCT & RPCT in Counseling situations
Aakalan, The learning center for IPH, Thane announces a 2 day Skill Training Workshop in “Application of TAT, CAT, SCT & RPCT in Counseling situations”
Test to be discussed:
TAT: Thematic Apperception Test; CAT : Children Apperception Test
SCT: Sentence Completion Test, RPCT : Raven’s Controlled Projection Test
Workshop details:
Overview of TAT; CAT, SCT and RPCT
Administration, Scoring, Interpretation & Application, Report writing and report explanation, Case discussion with clinical and counseling implications.
Date: 12th & 13th May 2018 (Sat, Sun)
Time: 10.00 am to 05.00 pm
Eligibility: Post graduates in Counseling/Clinical Psychology, School Counselors
Fees: Rs. 4,000/- for 2 days inclusive of Breakfast, Lunch & 2 tea/coffee
Dr.Geeta Joshi, Ms. Kavitagauri Joshi, Ms. Eaishwarya Natekar
Participants will be issued certificates
For Registration: Roopa : 9870600283
Last date for registration: 8th May 2018
Accommodation available on first come first served basis.
Venue : IPH, Thane
Taming the Social Media Monster
Aakalan, The learning center for the Institute for Psychological Health (IPH), Thane is conducting a Two day unique workshop for mental health professionals on the newest kid on the block . . . mental health disorders related to social media use and dependency.
What will be discussed:
Social media as an integral part of our routine
Impact on different demographic sections, studies and research data available
Effect on brain function dynamics
Impact on communication, social relations, identity formation and self esteem
Social media related mental health conditions and their identification
Legal aspects relating to clients (both victims and perpetrators)
Help available at present
Management options: emerging trends
Social media: We can't live with it and we can't live without it So, let's tame this monster together.
Who can attend
Mental Health professionals, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Doctors, Teachers and Nurses and other professionals dealing with Children and Adolescents
Date : 2nd & 3rd June 2018 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time : 10 am to 5 pm
Fees : Rs.4,000/- per person (inclusive of Breakfast, Lunch & 2 tea/coffee)
Faculty: Dr. Wilona Branganza - Psychiatrist, Ms. Manjiri Gokhale - Clinical Psychologist
Last date for registration: 28th May 2018
For Registration: Roopa: 9870600283- 11 am to 6.00 pm. (Monday to Saturday)
Participation in the workshop has to be confirmed on phone and email [email protected]
Registration can be done through NEFT, cash or D.D. payable to IPH Learning Centre
NEFT details
Bank Name : TJSB Sahakari Bank Limited
A/c No. : 003110100071038
Branch : Naupada Thane
IFSC Code of bank : TJSB0000003
Full name of beneficiary : IPH LEARNING CENTRE
Venue: Institute for Psychological Health, Thane (W)
Counseling Adolescents : Issues and Challenges
Aakalan, The learning center for IPH, Thane announces a 5 day workshop on Adolescent counseling for Professionals working with Adolescents/Counselors/P.G. Students in Mental Health
Timing: 10 am to 5 pm
Course Fees: Rs.12,500/- for 5 days inclusive of Breakfast, Lunch & 2 tea/coffee.
Neurophysiology of Adolescence -The Adolescent Brain
Stages of Development in Adolescence
Lifestyle and Addictions - Substance (Alcohol, Drugs) and Non substance (Gaming, Porn, Mobile)
Educational/Learning and Career issues
Adolescence and Relationships
Adolescent suicide
Common Conflicts/ High risk behaviors in Adolescence
Communicating with the Adolescent and Helping Conflict Resolution
Faculty: The IPH Team
For Registration: Roopa: 9870600283- 11 am to 6.00 pm. (Monday to Saturday)
Last date for registration: 2nd June 2018
Seats limited. Registration will be given on First Come First Served Basis
Accommodation available on first come first served basis.
Participation in the workshop has to be confirmed on phone and email : [email protected]
Registration can be done through NEFT, cash or D.D. payable to IPH Learning Centre.
NEFT details
Bank Name : TJSB Sahakari Bank Limited
A/c No. : 003110100071038
Branch : Naupada Thane
IFSC Code of bank : TJSB0000003
Full name of beneficiary : IPH LEARNING CENTRE
Venue: Institute for Psychological Health, Shree Ganesh Darshan, 9th floor, Between Teen Petrol Pump and Hariniwas Circle, Opp. Maharashtra Plywood, LBS Marg, Thane (W)